The Ultimate Wedding Dress Guide: Episode 1 - Dress Inspiration!
Welcome to the Ultimate Wedding Dress Guide!
In this first part of the series will be diving right into the first big topic; Inspiration!
How do you find inspiration? Do you flip through magazines in the grocery store check out line? Do you scroll through photos online in between checking late night emails? Do you walk through your neighborhood in the morning and see the glitter of water in a birdbath and feel the small joy of that sparkle stay with you throughout your day?
No matter how you find inspiration , together we’re going to take a walk through some easy fun ways to become inspired for your search for the perfect wedding dress. Will begin with a favorite subject, shopping!
One of the simplest ways to start considering things you’d like to see in your wedding dress is to shop for normal clothing. What is attractive to you about a specific style top or skirt that you see when walking through the mall or stopping into a boutique?
Are there details that you like or dislike such as a corseted back on a dress or a high neck ruffle detail on a blouse. Do you like the way a long flowing skirt feels or do you lean more toward a tight fitted feeling through your hips down to the floor?
From the perspective of a tailor, our suggestion is to go out on a solo shopping trip, grab a cup of coffee or iced tea and spend some time browsing the racks with just you and your thoughts and take notes!
Details you are keeping an eye out for might be:
Strap types
Sleeve styles
Neckline shapes
Dress silhouettes
Even different colors that catch your eye
Now that you’ve spent some time exploring, let’s dive a little bit deeper and talk about details that are specific to wedding dresses.
Whether you’ve imagined the dress you would wear on your big day or not take this moment to consider both traditional and more modern details such as; lace, beading, sequins, glitter, fringe, and so much more.
As you consider all of the different aspects that your future dress could encompass, this is the perfect time to tell you that there is an attached worksheet just below to help you walk through this process!
To accompany you on this inspirational journey, follow along with us below in the first episode a joining this first part of our series.
The Ultimate Wedding Dress Guide: Episode 1
Now that you’re armed with this deep analysis of your wedding dress inspiration, get ready for next weeks topic; Timeline and Preparation.
New blogs and videos will post each Friday!