Tallgrass Tailor Featured in Industry Sewing Magazine
Wawak Interview
Founder and head tailor of Tallgrass Tailor, Shaelynn Haning, was interviewed by Wawak, America’s premier sewing catalog, for the cover article of the April issue. The interview allowed us to take a closer look at how the company began, our current exciting progress and our future goals so we thought it would be fun share the full article here!
Keep an eye out for our feature in the magazine in April!
How did you become a sewist / designer / master tailor?
When I was a kid I worked with my dad in his welding shop, as I got older I found that seaming metal is very similar to seaming fabric. As a teenager, I realized that I could get a degree in sewing and my course was set. After completing my Bachelors of Professional Studies in Fashion Design and Apparel Development, (and winning the unofficial award for best drafted pants!) my future as a tailor began to take shape.
How did you become interested in the industry?
I found out that fabric was easier to work with than steel when I made my first T-shirt, after that I was hooked! Once I started manipulating stretch fabric, the whole world opened up. I explored everything from sweaters to jeans to blank. As a petite sewist, I had a closet full of clothes that didn’t fit and I decided there was nothing wrong with me, just something wrong with the clothes!
How long have you been in the Industry?
13 years.
What makes your business different than others? How do you stand out?
We'll take on anything, and we prove that through the different and unique items brought through the door everyday. College mascot suits, aircraft cargo nets, Muong burial garments, all-weather blankets for newborn cows -- we're making a traditional fox hunting coat as I write this! In a world where so many jobs are repetitive, the things Tallgrass sees are so unique. Whether it’s a pant hem or a bridal gown, we put our hearts into everything that we touch.
What’s one of the most challenging / creative jobs you have ever done?
The UNIMOG: a 1967 vintage German military troop-transport vehicle that needed a new, authentic-looking, custom canvas roof. When this project came in, we couldn't say no! It was way outside of our wheelhouse but with the help of an incredible team, we cobbled together the services to create the rooftop (and a new leather gear shift cover) for the vehicle. The collaboration was as beautiful as the end product.
What do you do to keep up with the industry?
Everything! We cull through every book, article, or new video that comes out, and we're constantly collaborating with the best companies we can find to do more creative business in our community. We love to stay connected and are always open to new ideas. If you've got one, reach out to us!
What do you like best about WAWAK?
Here in the midwest, it’s hard to get access to the supplies we need. We count on Wawak for all of our sewing gear, from high quality thread to every zipper type and color on planet Earth!
When it comes to your company, what are you most proud of?
When I was still completing my degree I married my husband, an Army officer who was getting ready to deploy to Iraq, in the middle of building my senior collection. People were afraid that I would leave the fashion industry altogether, but that wasn't the case. My husband and I are now celebrating our ten year anniversary and business has never been better! Sure, I may have spent a few years just sewing on military patches but it prepared me to lead the great company we have now. We can thank the US Army for that!
What advice do you give to the next generation of designers?
To be successful you’ve got to stay in the game, because it’s going to take longer than you think.
What are you doing to ensure that you continue to grow and develop?
We utilize all of the creative and social platforms now available to every small business. We have an incredible advantage in this age of being able to reach so far outside of our geographic bubble through sharing videos and photos that show how relevant our field still is!
What is new and exciting for 2021?
We are beginning a big expansion project with a very notable partner this year that is going to change everything you know about alterations. Stay tuned at @tallgrasstailor!