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Suit Tailoring Series: Add Darts To A Suit Jacket
This alteration allows us to dive a little bit deeper into lined garments. Whereas unlined garments can just be taken in simply with darts in a single step procedure, here we will have to go in between the layers and navigate installing even-depth darts that match on either side. It is a little tricky, but a very fun one, follow along with me below as we create suit jacket darts.
Suit Tailoring Series: Hemming a Suit Jacket
This procedure will take you methodically step by step through shortening the length of a suit jacket. Beginning with the front panel at the bottom edge of the rounded lapel and moving back through one or two vents we will work our way step-by-step across the bottom of the jacket. Simliar to many tailoring procedures, this one has very specific steps and a unique order of operations where each step heavily impacts the next.
Sewing Technique: Narrow Rolled Hem
This small hem is achieved typically by rolling a quarter of an inch fabric over followed by another quarter of an inch fabric resulting in a clean small him. This is a great technique to use on chiffon, silk, or any lighter weight fabric that is prone to shred. This is also a very common technique for anything from skirts to bridesmaids dresses.
Suit Tailoring Series: Hemming Suit Pants
Though we are just essentially measuring, cutting and turning up the edge of the fabric, the equipment and the knowledge required to perform this procedure have taken quite a while to perfect, and I am excited to share these tips and tricks with you now!
Suit Tailoring Series: Taking In A Suit Jacket
This is a really great alteration because it’s extremely versatile; the seams can be let out and taken in as many times as the fabric will allow.
How-To: DIY Disinfectant Holster
Follow along and learn to make this critical accessory; a disinfectant holster, to support you during these uncertain times.
You Can Help: How-To Make and Donate Face Masks
Join us in creating DIY Face Masks and getting them to the people who need them most!
Open for Business: Welcome to Tallgrass Tailor!
Welcome to our new shop on Brookside! Come take a tour with us!
Petite Alterations: Making of the Solina Jumpsuit
Petite Alterations - The journey of making petite alterations for garments that fit a smaller frame!
Custom Jumpsuit: The Cypress Power Suit
The creation and construction of the Cypress Power Suit; a functional, modern look and seasonal all-in-one originally designed jumpsuit.
Custom Dress: The Suede Dress
The creation and construction of a custom suede leather dress.